Accessibility in der in IT

Project mandate and objectives
For example, if a wheelchair user encounters a curb, it presents a barrier that needs to be overcome. The same applies to a mother with her stroller. If the curb is lowered, this barrier does not exist. Therefore, a barrier is not only disruptive for people with disabilities but generally for people with limitations.
Gesendet von Copilot:
In IT, there are indeed barriers in (online) applications that make it particularly difficult for users with disabilities to use them optimally. Typically, people with visual impairments, blindness, hearing impairments, deafness, speech disorders, muteness, foreign language proficiency, limited arm/hand mobility, or intellectual disabilities are referred to as persons with disabilities. However, other individuals also have their problems, such as recognizing green text on a pink background.
The legislator has established in various international (WCAG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or European standard EN 301 549) and national regulations (BITV - Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance and BGG - Disability Equality Act) that publicly provided software (online dialogues) must meet the following essential requirements for digital accessibility:



Element assignment

The KOMBIT project

Das Rechenzentrum der Finanzverwaltung in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Unser Kunde, das Rechenzentrum der Finanzverwaltung in Nordrhein-Westfalen (RZF), setzt diese gesetzlichen Vorgaben nicht nur in der Außenwirkung, sondern auch im Innenverhältnis für die eigenen Kollegen und Kolleginnen um. Das RZF gibt dadurch einer großen Anzahl an Menschen die Möglichkeit, trotz ihrer Einschränkungen einen Arbeitsplatz in der Finanzverwaltung in Nordrhein-Westfalen (FinVerw. NW) zu finden.

In close coordination and collaboration with the Financial Administration of North Rhine-Westphalia (FinVerw. NW), as well as the representatives for severely disabled employees and the inclusion teams, integrationWorks GmbH conducts the analysis and supports the implementation of identified processes regarding the requirements for digital accessibility.
The Competence Center for Accessibility in IT supports software development and system integration, as well as the procurement of software and hardware, including possible aids such as screen readers, Braille displays, magnifiers, larger screens, etc.
The main goal is the optimal design and implementation of accessible (low-barrier) workplaces in the Financial Administration of North Rhine-Westphalia (FinVerw. NW).

By creating reusable work aids (e.g., how to create accessible Word, PowerPoint, or PDF documents) and a framework concept for establishing the Competence Center for Accessibility in IT, integrationWorks GmbH has contributed to digital accessibility in the RZF. In the following project phases, processes will be harmonized. During software development, accompanying measures and training will ensure that applications are designed to be accessible from the outset.